If you have non-technical users adjusting volume levels in a large enterprise A/V system, it may be a challenge for them to identify which area to adjust. For instance, if there is a PC GUI control labeled “Zone 101,” the user might have to reference a drawing of some kind to correlate the zone with a physical area. Many times, a zone’s physical description (e.g., “2nd floor front area”) proves just as vague.

ESS provides interfaces with control blocks that are mapped to a physical layout. This makes it easy for the user to identify the correct zone. This is especially useful if they are controlling the system from a desktop PC located in a clandestine telecom room.

Wi-Fi Control?

If you prefer your user to be “in” the physical location to verify the audio level, ESS can install the control surface on an iPad. The user can then stand “under the speaker” to make the necessary adjustments.

ESS provides simple-to-use interfaces!